(noun) a list giving information about the meanings of specialized words.
This glossary is a tool for your understanding of the concepts we deliver.
It is intentionally organized by its organizational connotation and denotation for your reference.
/alkəməst/ (noun)
Connotation: a person who can decide within the present moment to do that which is in their highest good, and work in tandem with the energy both internally and therefore externally.
Denotation: a person who can take something ordinary and turning it into something extraordinary, sometimes in a way that cannot be explained.
[ per-spek-tiv ] (noun)
Connotation: the lens through which you interpret your experience.
Denotation: the state of one's ideas, the facts known to one, etc., in having a meaningful interrelationship.
[ kuh-lek-tiv ] (noun)
Connotation: a whole of which you are apart.
Denotation: forming a whole; combined.
[ ik-spand-shon ]
Connotation: the internal growth and development in all directions, resulting in a shift to a higher perspective/frequency.
Denotation: to increase in extent, size, volume, scope,
aware [ uh-wair ] (verb)
Connotation: the acknowledgment of the present moment and that you, yourself are only in control of your thoughts, feelings, and actions.
Denotation: having knowledge; conscious; cognizant:
[ see-ker ] (noun)
Connotation: any person regardless of age, gender, or creed that is seaching for fulfillment and mastery.
Denotation: a person or thing that seeks.
Connotation: the internal growth and development in all directions, resulting in a shift to a higher perspective/frequency.
Denotation: to increase in extent, size, volume, scope.