Hey! সুপ্রভাত! 안녕하세요! Welcome to the blog. My name is Ishmam Choudhury, but at Ace I’m known as Mr. Ish.
We’re starting this blog as a space for our instructors to give their perspectives on a huge host of subjects. These topics are ones that don’t always get covered during tutoring hours, where we focus on course material, but are incredibly insightful into the school and testing process. In this way, everyone in the Ace Family can learn more about not only our instructors, but also gain valuble knowledge that can help them succeed. In that same vein, we want this blog to reflect the diversity and vast array of experiences that our instructors have.
To introduce myself, like before, I’m Mr. Ish. I grew up in Bellerose, and have been part of this community for most of my life. I attended Stuyvesant High School, and graduated from Stony Brook University in May 2019 with a B.S. in Psychology. During high school, I was on the wrestling team, and spent much of my time involved in activities related to the sport.
While at Stony Brook, I began working at Stony Brook Child Care my freshman year and loved it so much I continued for all four years. I also took part in psychology research, and was a member of Cadence Step Team. I stepped for all four years.
While at Stony Brook, I took Korean classes for two years, which helped me realize my love for languages, and following that I received the Critical Language Scholarship. I spent two months in India after my graduation with that scholarship, on an intensive Bengali language study program.
After returning from India, I’ve joined the Ace Family and am now doing administrative work as well as tutoring, and loving every minute of it. I’m excited to see what the future holds, and am overjoyed that it will be as part of the Ace Family.