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Summer Camp? Switch It Up : 4 Things to Consider when planning Summer 2022 for your student

Writer's picture: Ace Ace

4 Things to consider when planning Summer 2022 for your student!

It has been a challenging school year to say the least. Today, marks the last day of the 2021-2022 school year, and we all breathe a sign of relief. For the 1.1M NYC Pubic School students and their 75K teachers it's time for warmer days and backyard BBQs. Can someone pass the potato salad?

So we went from remote learning to lifted restrictions to unknown variants, this school year was definitely about adapting and adjusting. For us we learned quite a few things. We learned to adapt to the changing needs of our learners, which we call seekers. They needed and still need, more attention and understanding, more empathy. This was apparent in their increased search for a hug, or hesitancy to try new things.

This resulted in the revamping of our programs and the creation of initiatives like book club, where our seekers through the shared experience of reading aloud, got to discuss characters and possible endings and not face-masks or school closures.

We also used the opportunity to reorganized the way we instructed and related to our students. This came in the form of community service, art, and Social Emotional Learning. The fluctuation of the school year was tough and the necessity of such programming becomes increasingly important. It is our hope that consideration of the unique challenges faced this year will result in an adapted approach to learning and spending time with one another.

Be sure to consider the following as you plan this summer for your student!

1. One size doesn’t fit all, so why should the program?

We know from experience that full day summer camp is the quick go-to. We have hosted our very own for the past 10 years, and we get it. It's a convenient way to account for and engage your student all day, in fun and enriching activities. Right?

Well, this summer we decided to do things a bit differently, and here’s why.

We believe that this summer is a time to put into action what we learned this school year, which is to adapt. And this summer, that means diversified programing to appeal to the varying interests of our community, while supporting them academically.

Consider enrolling your students into different programs this summer as oppose to one for the entire season. This way, your student can experiment with different activities, and groups.

2. Think of where your child has expressed natural interest.

We all spent more time with our students this past school year, wether at home or for us in after-school or tutoring. It was only in all this additional time that we began to learn all the amazing interests that our seekers are developing. From Hydroponic gardens to life in the Andes. Think back to the conversations you had with your student over quarantine especially. What did they say they liked? Where did they say they wanted to go? What did they mention they wanted to try?

Consider using this summer to explore programming that helps your student explore their natural interests.

The power to question is the basis of all human progress.

-Indira Gandhi

3. Change up the setting

To piggy back off of #2, the summer posses a great opportunity to do the same routine but from somewhere else! For example, If I need to write a blog post and my student has their summer reading assignment to do. . . Why not, do those very things at the park in the grass?

Use this summer to find time to just be, wherever that may be.

4. Keep your schedule as flexible as you can.

It's all too easy to fall into old routines that keep us feeling bogged down. This works the same for your student. The monotony of a new routine can become old all too quickly, and this is easily avoidable. Discover the beauty of breaking up your summer plans. Give your student a mix of the traditional and unconventional to their approach to learning. Read and go visit a place from the book you chose together, and make the 2D..3D. Or try out one of our summer workshops!

However you decide, choose to be dynamic this year in your plan for the summer, it’s sure to be like no other!

A Special Thanks: Our staff & students were resilient and brave this year. I applaud them for their dedication and strength!

Special thanks to | J. Trelles, S. Peters, A. Feng, R. Tahir & K. Singh

All-in-all we want to welcome in the change of this summer, and adapt to the changing times in thought and practice.

Join the conversation and share with us any special new considerations that you are keeping in mind this summer! And be sure to check out our Summer Workshop options!

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